The Junior Grange Merit Badge Program is designed to be an exciting and innovative way for Juniors to learn more about their world, their country, their state, their community, and their Grange.

The Merit Badge program has recently been revised and will now be all inclusive into one program manual. The National Junior Grange Department will highlight one badge per month. Juniors that earn that badge during the highlighted month will receive special recognition.

The program is broken down into three categories:

  1. The Grange Adventure
  2. Team Up America
  3. Discovery Network


Each category has a total of 20 badges. There are badges designed to fit every person’s interests. After a Junior has completed the necessary tasks to receive a badge the Junior Leader may order the Merit Badges off of the National Grange Website.

It is highly encouraged that each Junior Director promote the use of the Merit Badge program. The completion of badges not only gives each Junior a sense of accomplishment, they are now also a required piece to achieve several awards and be a part of the Ambassador program. With completion of each Merit Badge each Junior Grange member will gain a better understanding of the particular area covered by the Merit Badge. The knowledge will last beyond the time they spent in the Junior Grange.


Merit Badge Manual:

There is now one Junior Grange Merit Badge Manual. This will make it easier for the Junior Grange members to track their accomplishments and see their achievements. Each badge will have an area for the Junior Leader to sign off that the requirements have been met and completed.

Be sure to check the Junior Grange website where you will be able to download the Merit Badge Manual. And be sure to check back often as there may be new Merit badges introduced throughout the year!

Download the Junior Merit Badge Manual
Download the Junior Merit Badge Manual